By Mike Gray

In an article at CMI, Jonathan Sarfati challenges a common misconception about Christianity and science:

Many anti-Christians claim that Christianity and science have been enemies for centuries. This is the opposite of the truth. Informed historians of science, including non-Christians, have pointed out that modern science first flourished under a Christian worldview while it was stillborn in other cultures such as ancient Greece, China, and Arabia.

This should be no surprise when we ask why science works at all. There are certain essential features that make science possible, and they simply did not exist in non-Christian cultures.

Sarfati offers eight reasons why science thrives under the Christian ethos and concludes:

It is thus no accident that science has flowered since the Reformation, where the Bible’s authority was rediscovered. And it is no accident that the country with the strongest remnants of Bible-based Christian faith, the USA, leads the world by a mile in the output of useful science.

However, the Western world is largely living on the capital of its Christian heritage. But the push to indoctrinate students into evolution, and therefore atheism (at least for all practical purposes), undermines these Christian foundations of science (cf. Psalm 11:3). Thus evolutionary teaching will not improve science, but destroy it.

Ungrateful atheists who owe their very livelihoods to Christianity often show their appreciation with contempt and censorship. “How sharper than a serpent’s tooth …”

Mike Gray