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Racialized Islam & The Racial-Industrial-Complex

The following is part I in a conversation with Jack Kerwick, author of "The American O...

“Russell Kirk: American Conservative” by Bradley J. Birzer

Russell Kirk was one of the leading thinkers of the post-Second World War American con...

Chipotle and Food Fadism

It seems your local Chipotle is potentially a dangerous place to eat. If you've ever b...

When Hollywood Celebrated Christmas and Marriage

A few days before Christmas, I checked the schedule for Turner Classic Movies, one of ...

GOP Debate: America-First Alliance Emerges; Neoconservatives Neutralized

Donald Trump strode into the gaudy Venetian, in Las Vegas, for the CNN-Facebook Republ...

Macbeth as Filmed Theatre

This latest film  version of Shakespeare's  concentrated, intense tragedy about the ...

Trump: The Ultimate Rorschach Test

Yes, I know, just what the world needs, another blog post on Donald Trump. Just this m...

No Wonder The Pols Think Businessman Trump’s Crazy; He Understands Scarcity

Right after the Murder-by-Muslim of the San Bernardino 14, on Dec. 2, immigration lawy...

Impure Comedies

The basic plot of Sarah Ruhl's "Stage Kiss" (directed by Aaron Posner at the Round Hou...

In the West, The Inmates Run The Asylum

\ “HEY, it’s me, Salah Abdeslam. Did you see the attacks across Paris? Bismillah, m...

Modern Science Makes Belief in God More Plausible Than Ever

I came across an article today entitled, "The Astounding Truth About the Hubble Space ...

Thou Shalt Not Give Offense

It seems America's Founders needed an 11th Amendment added to the original 10 Bill of ...

ET Analyses Paris Attacks & Weeps For The West

In the West, crying and dying is framed as … winning. Or so an Extra-Terrestrial ...

Media Smears Trump as Nazi; Shows What Republicans Are Up Against

Even in the age of cable, conservative talk radio, and the internet, Republicans great...

Continuum Of Propaganda: Yale, Mizzou & Your Child’s School

The specter, on the nation’s campuses, of frightened, middle-aged white educators, m...

Is Europe in our Future?

With the horrific slaughter in Paris last Friday, there has been much discussion not o...

The Thought-Provoking “Love in the Western World’ by Denis de Rougement

First written in 1938 and revised and enlarged in 1954, Love in the Western World is ...

Pericles at the Folger Library

Pericles, an underrated Shakespeare play, is being given a fine performance at the Fol...

Maybe There is Hope for this Next Generation After All

Well, of course there is, but it can be hard to tell that from the juvenile antics of ...

Angela Merkel Plots To Overthrow Her People

Angela Merkel, elected for life, or for what seems like an eternity, squints at ordina...

How Many Spaces After a Period?

All these years of writing I've always wondered whether there should be one or two spa...

God and the Evidence Agree: Good Old Nuclear Family Still Best

Unless you are wedded, no pun intended, to a left-wing ideological agenda you know int...

The Madagaskar Plan by Guy Saville

In this well written alternative history novel,  Germany has won the Second World War...

October 31: Reformation Day

But wait, I thought it was Halloween. Well, there would have been no Halloween with gh...

Is the Media’s Berlin Wall Coming Down?

Michael Walsh thinks so. Thanks to The Donald, a lot more average Americans were able ...

A Halloween Horror Story In The People’s House: How vampiric Republican regimists and their zombie media work against the insurgent

Washington is moving aggressively to inoculate itself against The Insurgents. By the l...

Those Who Write and Tell The Stories, Control the Culture

I recently wrote a post about how the hot fall TV trend is interracial lesbian relatio...

Science is Becoming God’s Best Friend

We live in a secular age, at least in the West, in which the dominion of science for a...

Cut The Cycle-Of-Violence Crap

A DAY IN THE LIFE. The Bennett family’s day began with a prayer at “the Western Wa...

What Exactly Is A Progressive?

Hillary wants you to know you are looking at one. The word progressive in American pol...

Lovecraft on Stage

H. P.Lovecraft (1890-1937) is probably, after Edgar Allan Poe and alongside Ambrose Bi...

If You’re a Fan of Tom Wolfe . . . .

You will probably want to read a great, and long, piece in Vanity Fair called "How Tom...