John Barrowman (l) and James MarstersThe BBC America sci-fi series Torchwood, a spinoff of the most recent revival of the long-running series Doctor Who, will show an explicit sexual clinch between two men in tonight’s season opening program on the basic cable network.

The scene depicts polymorphously perverse series protagonist Captain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman) with guest star James Marsters (Buffy the Vampire Slayer).

I was not impressed by the first season of Torchwood, as it is rather too cute and the special effects too cheap to make up for the snarkiness of the whole affair. The short-lived U.S. series Firefly was far superior. Not recommended.

For additional information about the series, visit the BBC America Torchwood page.

Update: In the original version of this article I used the words ‘sex scene’ to describe the sequence, which may have been technically accurate but certainly had the unfortunate effect of suggesting that the scene includes pornographic effects. That is an inaccurate impression, according to reports. Hence I have changed the term to avoid any potential confusion. As it happens, it took me rather a long time to figure out a phrase that wouldn’t sound too creepy or would too weakly describe the scene, and I’m not altogether sure that I have succeeded.