The brilliant documentary filmmaker Ann McElhinney (Mine Your Own Business; Not Evil, Just Wrong) has written a must-read essay exposing the slanted, ignorant, self-contradictory, blatantly Luddite nature of a propagandistic “documentary” already shown to millions of U.S. children by useful idiots spending your taxpayer dollars in order to indoctrinate your children into hatred of the modern world and a desire to return to savagery.
This is an outrageous misappropriation of funds indicating the arrogance and lack of accountability among public school teachers and administrators across the nation. It’s more evidence (as if any were yet needed) of the pressing need for school choice.
Read it here.
“hatred of the modern world”
Good luck with that.
“a desire to return to savagery”
I doubt that this motivation is present – I think you have lost credibility with an obvious overstatement.
Let’s face it – “sustainability” is going to win eventually. Malthus was right – just a few centuries ahead of his time – an exponential population growth is unsustainable.
A thousand years ago, humans and their animals were 1% of the large biomass on Earth. Today 98%. Unsustainable. http://www.newstatesman.com/200402230015
So what is the “sustainable” population of this Earth? Perhaps 500 million people? How do we get there from here? Perhaps slowly but surely?
But it’s pretty clear that Americans currently have far too much “stuff”.