When the International Olympic Committee eliminated Chicago’s bid for the 2016 Olympics in the first round, they may have given America a glimpse into just how ineffective President Obama’s diplomatic strategy of direct negotiations will turn out to be. 

For a President who seems to revel in symbolism, this is surely one symbolic moment he’d like to escape.

The modern Olympics has always traded implicitly and explicitly on symbolism.  While Jesse Owens’ four gold medals at the 1936 Berlin Olympics was an impressive athletic feat, more remember it as a representative defeat of Hitler’s theory of Aryan racial superiority.  And who can forget the Miracle on Ice where a team consisting primarily of no-name American college students beat a Russian squad made up of ostensibly professional hockey players.  Indeed, the movie Miracle seems to credit this game with lifiting the United States out of the malaise of the 1970s.

So too has our current president traded implicitly and explicitly on symbolism.  During his campaign, his staff created its own Presidential seal.  The Shepard Fairey poster became the biggest "must have" item since the pet rock.  And his speeches before and after his election are so self-reverential, it’s hard not to come away from them with the conclusion that he revels in his role as a symbol of America.

So when Obama took time out of his busy schedule to get on a plane to go to Copehagen to win a position as host city for the 2016 Summer Olympics, many commentators thought it was a done deal.  Who doesn’t think that the IOC picked Chicago as a finalist in the middle of last year’s election as an assist to Obama?  You figure the only thing left was to book the hotel rooms and buy up all the relevant real estate.

But a funny thing happened on the way to the forum.

Maybe they thought Michelle Obama’s description of a taxpayer funded vacation as a sacrifice was too arrogant.  Maybe the President’s dithering on Iran bothered more countries than just France.  Maybe this was payback for hanging Eastern Europe out to dry on missle defense.  Maybe they were just tired of America winning everything.  Or maybe they just don’t see us as winners any more.

As a symbol, this is disastrous for the President. Most policy initiatives, foreign or otherwise, are either complex or can be made to seem so. This makes it easy for the regular person to dismiss the lack of a satisfactory conclusion upon the belief that not enough knowledge is available. So this policy failed, maybe there’s more stuff going on behind the scenes. More importantly, that makes it harder to pinpoint the exact moment of failure.

Losing the Olympic bid is the exact opposite. We know when it failed. Today. And people won’t care about the background drama because it’s not about anything more important than picking a location for a sporting event. It’s just too easy to get. President Obama’s direct negotiations failed. Moreover, he couldn’t make the shot when it counted.

And now we all look like losers.

–R. J. MacReady