On the Wall Street Journal’s Opinion Journal page, Betsy McCaughey summarizes developments in this growing controversy:

Some states will likely delay creating insurance exchanges and slow down other costly preparations for ObamaCare until its constitutionality is determined by this case.
If mandatory insurance is declared unconstitutional, the entire health law could collapse like a house of cards. Most complex legislation states that if one part of the law is struck down, other parts remain enforceable. But authors of ObamaCare chose to omit that clause, suggesting that the health overhaul won’t work without mandatory insurance.
…. Critics say that the requirement tramples the Constitution. Twenty-one states and several individuals are already suing to overturn it.
…. Virginia Attorney General Kenneth Cuccinelli argued that Congress ignored …warnings. ObamaCare, he said, was “cobbled together in secret, passed by the Senate largely or totally unread, on a party line vote literally in the dead of night on Christmas Eve.”

Will ObamaCare survive, or will it be deemed DNR (Do Not Resuscitate)? Stay tuned.

Mike Gray