By Mike Gray

Has the situation in Europe already reached a point of no return?

In failing to meet the threat of cultural subversion, the European left has facilitated the emergence of the illiberal and xenophobic branch of the far right. For as violence begins to move in from the car-burning and no-go Muslim enclaves in the margins toward the city center, as Shariah courts begin to pepper the landscape, as in the U.K., as Muslim immigrants continue to swell the welfare rolls, as rape statistics skyrocket and honor killings multiply, and as the authorities prove themselves increasingly helpless and vacillating – or even worse, as colluding – the reactionary and militant right will earn more and more legitimacy among the masses. The anemic lack of both fortitude and foresight among the political classes can only energize the factions of militant, far-right extremism.

But there is hope:

. . . . there is only one way to defeat the extreme right as it rises to its own depraved version of the defense of the West, and that is to disarm the common enemy and, by so doing, deprive a nascent fascism of its populist fuel. Multiculturalism has not led to harmonious diversity, as once naively assumed, but to acerbic polarization. The multicultural bromides and immigration policies currently in place will need to be rethought and rendered more appropriate to the nation’s requirements. In other words, we will have to espouse the conservative tradition of the moderate right, based on the liberty of the individual, the rejection of violence, the duties of responsible citizenship, and a coherent pluralism that respects the customs of the majority culture rather than a fractious multiculturalism that corrodes them. And we will have to resist the disingenuous gambit of the left to lump the two rights together as a single political movement when they are clearly separate in both their theory and practice. Conservatism has nothing in common with racism.

— From David Solway’s WND article “The Soft Left Is Mother of the Hard Right”.