Could this man win the U.S. presidency?Look back into the history of the past century, and one U.S. political-cultural truth is eminently clear:

Governors win the presidency.

As a rule, a senator or vice president running for the presidency against a state governor is extremely unlikely to win the race. The last senator who was not a sitting president to win the presidency: Kennedy in 1960, and it’s almost a certainty that the close race against Richard Nixon—a former senator and vice president, not a governor—was stolen by pols in Illinois and Texas.

So, when I think about whom any party should nominate for president, I always suggest they go after a governor. 

The reason governors beat national politicians, I think, is fairly simple: they have accomplishments they can cite, have served as CEO of a large government organization (as the U.S. presidency is), and, most importantly, don’t have a voting record on important and controversial national issues.

Senators, by contrast, don’t have the individual political-administrative accomplishments to which to point, have records dotted with controversial and polarizing votes, and typically have made a lot of enemies on the national level.

It’s a certainty that the Democrats will reject my advice and run a Senator this time, either Clinton or Obama, most likely, with Sen. Edwards also running fairly strong.

Plus, the Democrats are hopelessly statist, so nobody they nominate is likely to satisfy me or any other reasonably liberal person.

On the Republican side, the top tier candidates are much more varied. Among them are a Senator, McCain (although he’s just barely hanging on at this point, with New Hampshire his only hope for renewal); a former mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani; and a governor, Mitt Romney, who would surely be the odds-on favorite if he were not a Mormon but who cannot win the general election because he is highly unlikely to energize the Republicans’ crucial voting bloc, evangelical Christians. Also among the prospective candidates is actor and former Senator Fred Thompson.

So, given that the best choice is a governor and Romney probably isn’t it, whom should the Republicans nominate, from a purely practical perspective?

Before last weekend’s Iowa straw poll I was telling associates that among the current candidates the best choice for the Republicans would be Mike Huckabee. A former Baptist minister who served two terms as governor of Arkansas, a state long controlled by Democrats, where he nonetheless enjoyed high approval ratings, Huckabee is hardly more obscure than Bill Clinton was in 1991 (unless you think Clinton’s tenure as leader of the National Governor’s Association made him world-famous).

Huckabee has been criticized from the right for not being sufficiently anti-tax and not strongly enough opposed to illegal immigration, but those are positions on which he will no doubt continually move to the right, and he did cut a lot of tax rates as governor of Arkansas.

He’s no Ron Paul, to be sure, but from a practical standpoint Huckabee would certainly seem to fit the bill. (Paul should run for governor of Texas before running for president, but he’d be too old by the next go-round for the presidency thereafter. Alas.)

Huckabee has appeal as a candidate, though I’d welcome the entry into the race of some other prominent Republican governor. (Tommy Thompson was hopeless because of his association with the hated Bush administration.) Failing that, I’d reckon they’re best off settling for Huckabee.

After his strong, second-place finish in last week’s Iowa Straw Poll, Republicans should take a good luck at Huckabee. Unless another Christian, low-tax governor (not named Bush) enters the race unexpectedly, Huckabee actually gives them the best chance of winning, if history is any guide.

And you may rest assured, it is.