by Mike Gray

From its inception, the left has regarded God and religion (especially the Judeo-Christian varieties) as impediments to its goals: “Trust in Us (Leftwing intellectuals)” has supplanted “In God We Trust.” And so, God-based liberty gives way to state-based controls. — Dennis Prager

According to Prager on

Over time, much of America has belatedly awakened to the realization that two counter-revolutionary (as in American Revolution) trends were occurring at a breakneck pace: God was being replaced by the state as the source of liberty, and liberty was eroding.

The experience of Europe tells us that

. . . . the ever-expanding state is inevitably accompanied by an ever shrinking God and religion.

This is largely what the current culture war—actually a non-violent civil war—is about. The left seeks an ever-expanding state with, by definition, ever-expanding powers. And a fundamental aspect of that program is the removal of God and religion from as much of American life as possible. This is pursued under the noble-sounding goal of ensuring “separation of church and state.” But whatever the avowed aim, the result is the same: secularize as much of society as possible, its institutions and, most importantly, its values.

Prager’s article is here.