by Mike Gray

Materialist philosophy is neither new nor scientific, but one of the most ancient superstitious beliefs in the world. The ancient version held that matter has always existed and everything that exists consists of matter. According to the modern version, invisible dead-matter spontaneously generated itself from nothing, and then by way of evolution magically produced everything else. To believe this is to believe that the nothingness within the magician’s hat spontaneously generated the bunny. — Linda Kimball

So who’s running the show, God or Nature? At RenewAmerica, Linda Kimball looks at the Gnostic underpinnings of today’s prevailing natural philosophy:

Historically, Gnostics have always been notorious God-haters to the extent of consigning Him to hell. The early Church Fathers called them the “lawless ones,” as they were idolizers of their own minds, rebels against all authority, immoralists, hedonists, and builders of alternative realities (utopian fantasies) requiring the death of God, for the heart of Gnosticism is “man is god.”

While the infamous Tower of Babel was history’s first Gnostic project, the Soviet Union and Socialist Germany are modern versions. In his book Science, Politics, & Gnosticism, esteemed political philosopher Eric Voegelin (1901-85) identifies progressivism, positivism, Hegelianism, Marxism, and the “God is dead” school as modern Gnostic movements. All of these movements are firmly grounded on the Gnostic myth of Darwinism.

If Gnostics had been smarter, they might have abandoned Darwinism a lot sooner and put another, less error-prone philosophy in its stead—yet the Darwin Myth has still managed to succeed beyond their wildest expectations:

As a scientific theory, Darwinism would have been jettisoned long ago. The point, however, is that the doctrine of evolution has swept the world, not on the strength of its scientific merits, but precisely in its capacity as a Gnostic myth. It affirms, in effect, that living things created themselves, which is in essence a metaphysical claim…. Thus … evolutionism is a metaphysical doctrine decked out in scientific garb … it is a scientistic myth. And the myth is Gnostic, because it implicitly denies the transcendent origin of being; for indeed, only after the living creature has been speculatively reduced to an aggregate of particles does Darwinist transformism become conceivable. Darwinism, therefore, continues the ancient Gnostic practice of deprecating ‘God the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth.’ It perpetuates … the venerable Gnostic tradition of ‘Jehovah bashing.’ — Alan Morrison

Kimball says that deceptive practices are necessary for Gnostics to gain traction in any culture:

When C. S. Lewis pointedly observed that the entire edifice of the so-called “science” of Darwinian naturalism has but one purpose, to keep the supernatural Creator out, he was merely confirming admissions made by Lewontin and many other Darwinists. In sum, Darwinism is a deception perpetrated by self-worshipping swindlers who have been “pulling the wool” over the eyes of the uninitiated masses, to use Lewontins’ own words.