"Cleveland-area TV meteorologists disagree with prevailing attitude about climate change," reads the headline of a recent article in the Cleveland Plain-Dealer. The lede is spicy and accurate:
They will tell you when the skies might rain or snow in fickle Northeast Ohio, when to bundle up the kids in a cold snap and when to make weekend plans if steady sunshine spans the five-day forecast.
They also will tell you that human-caused global warming is hogwash.
They’re your local TV meteorologists.
The article then gives a powerful quote from a local weatherman, which includes the rather stunning revelation that he doesn’t know any local meteorologists who agree with the hysteria over global warming:
"This cry that ‘We’re all going to die’ is an overreaction and just not good science," said Andre Bernier, a meteorologist at WJW Channel 8. "I don’t think I personally know any meteorologists—here in Cleveland or anywhere else I’ve worked—who agree with the hype over human-induced warming."
That’s followed by a vivid characterization of the local meteorologists as underdogs fighting a highly unscientific press to force a consensus in favor of seeing global warming as manmade and a crisis even though the mountain of evidence against that theory continues to build:
The local TV weatherscape is indeed populated with on-air personalities who are pushing hard against the prevailing winds of climate science.
The article identifies that effort toward a forced consensus by the American Meteorological Society and other authorities and identifies members of the skeptics’ camp among the Cleveland meteorological profession who are convinced that the earth’s temperature is caused by the sun and other natural phenomena and who worry that the earth is in fact cooling, not warming.
This trend is by no means just happening in Cleveland, the article notes; it’s nationwide:
For starters, the drift away from global warming among TV weather forecasters is hardly limited to Cleveland.
"This is nationwide," said Stu Ostro, meteorologist and director of weather communications for the Weather Channel in Atlanta.
AMS chief Seitter agreed: "I’ve seen the trend, too," he said. "But I still don’t understand why there would be more skepticism among the TV meteorologists than in the field overall — but there is."
The article quotes an expert meteorologists with a tart observation about the unscientific, elitist, and authoritarian nature of the press to foment global-warming hysteria:
Accu-Weather.com’s long-range forecaster, . . . told The Plain Dealer that "global warming is being forced down the throats of the public."
The Plain Dealer article presents both sides of the debate fairly—and that is good news in itself, given the stranglehold in which the warming scaremongers have held the mainstream media and other U.S. elites over the past couple of decades. The tide has clearly turned.