Dr. James Dobson, former head of Focus on the Family, says the Christian Right needs new leadership, as older leaders are retiring.

Dr. James DobsonDr.James Dobson is quite right to point out that there is a leadership void on the Christian Right today. The coming change will do much good if the new leaders have a better understanding of the culture. They must realize that culture is not their enemy but a realm in which Christians must compete as in any other area of life.

Doing so will win many more converts than most sermons could ever hope to do.

For a sampling of articles showing how Christianity can engage culture and how religious faith can manifest itself in unexpected ways in cultural offerings, see the following items from The American Culture’s archives (and there are countless others available on this site): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Evangelicals who think the contemporary American culture is fundamentally hostile  to religious faith, and particularly Christianity, would do well to consider this avalanche of evidence to the contrary.