by Mike Gray

On Pajamas Media, Rand Simberg believes “You Just Might Be a Marxist,” in the grand tradition of Jeff Foxworthy:

With his new book, Stanley Kurtz has done what the media refused to do — finally vet the president and his radical past, two years too late to prevent him from becoming president, but just in time to issue a restraining order on him next Tuesday.

Yet people seem to be under the misapprehension that in order to be a Marxist, one has to be as explicitly so as the president has been with his deliberate associations with socialist and communist organizations and individuals. But Marxism isn’t a doctrine so much as an attitude. It is founded on a couple of key illogical and immoral foundations, which many people find superficially appealing, human nature being what it is.

Simberg’s article explaining those “key illogical and immoral foundations” is here. Stanley Kurtz’s book is available here. Marx and Engels’ book is available here.