Frank Tipler, a cosmologist, and Freeman Dyson, a polymath, are among those credentialed scientists who have made the National Academy of Sciences enemies list of persons who believe that “global warming” has yet to be scientifically proven. Tipler is number 38 and the higher-profile Dyson is number 3.
Notice that I am not saying that there has been no warming, just that the available raw data that I’ve personally been able to check do not show it. Until all the raw temperature data are placed online, so the data can be checked by anybody, a rational person has to suspend belief in global warming, to say nothing of AGW [Anthropogenic Global Warming]. The official government adjusted data for these sites do show a warming trend. All the warming is in the “corrections.” Sorry, I don’t buy it. Especially from “scientists” who are known to “correct” their raw data to “hide the decline.”
Tipler’s short article is on Pajamas Media. His book on the “anthropic cosmological principle” is available on Amazon.com.
—Mike Gray
I would have a very close look at un burned kerosine in upper atmosphere-been going on for over 50 years now…
Looks,and sounds like it to me…There is a brown shirt streak in the beleivers-just as there were in the National Socialist party….
Peter, you really can’t be serious, right? I’ve pointed out repeatedly that the science overwhelmingly forces the conclusion that there is no crisis of anthropogenic global warming (AGW), and that the case for an AGW crisis is based entirely on speculative mathematical models that have been proven unable even to “predict” the past correctly, much less the future: for example, here. As to who benefits from lying about the AGW issue, it’s the AGW alarmists who get all the benefits, and the climate realists who are continually attacked and denied academic and scientific opportunities and funding, as noted here.
The only enemy lists of the past 40 years where spawned by the far right.
The question should be are those who are using basic physics, geologic history, and the scientific method enemies of the oil, gas and corporations of a neo fascist state (the USA)
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by S. T. Karnick. S. T. Karnick said: Can Being a “Global Warming Denier” Make You an Enemy of the State? Tipler Says Yes: http://bit.ly/9iGAsa […]