The implications of a recent study of spider lilies, of all things, might cause anthropogenic global warming alarmists to look even sillier than they already do:

[The researchers] harvested the bulbs produced by the [spider lily] plants and measured their biomass, along with the concentrations of several substances they contained that had previously been proven to be effective in fighting various human maladies.

In doing so, they found that the 75% increase in the air’s CO2 concentration resulted in a 48% increase in aboveground plant biomass and a 56% increase in belowground bulb biomass. In addition, the extra CO2 also increased the concentrations of five bulb constituents that possessed anti-cancer and anti-viral properties. [Emphasis added]

NIPCC, “Here’s to Your Health! … Courtesy of Carbon Dioxide”, May 9, 2012

It would appear that more carbon dioxide in the air could potentially lead to the elimination of a number of human ailments:

What is especially exciting about these findings is that the substances the six scientists studied have been demonstrated to be effective in fighting a number of debilitating human diseases, including leukemia, ovary sarcoma, melanoma, brain cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, renal cancer, Japanese encephalitis, yellow fever, dengue fever, Punta Tora fever and Rift Valley fever, as reported (with pertinent supporting citations) in [the researchers’] paper. Furthermore, there is reason to believe that many other such substances in other medicinal plants may also be benefited by atmospheric CO2 enrichment.

… This larger body of work also points to the tantalizing possibility that there may be a number of still other health-promoting substances in the tissues of the foods we regularly eat that may additionally have their concentrations enhanced by the ongoing rise in the air’s CO2 concentration. — Ibid.

Millions of people might live who would otherwise perish:

So here’s to our health … and the health of our children’s children … courtesy (in part) of the atmosphere’s steadily rising carbon dioxide concentration; for if the world’s climate alarmists can attribute nearly everything bad that happens nowadays, to the ongoing rise in the air’s CO2 content, surely a possible benefit or two can be pointed out. And the potential benefit described here is a huge one. — Ibid.