As predicted, California activists are not satisfied that the people have spoken regarding same-sex marriage in last week’s successful referendum vote to define marriage as being between one man and one woman (or vice versa, for feminists), and they have taken to the streets in protest.
Also as predicted, numerous minor celebrities have joined the protestors, and some of slightly greater renown spoke in support of them while entering an awards ceremony at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza Hotel last Thursday. Sean Penn, for example, was reported as saying the following:
"I think it might be an idea to go out and join them shortly," Penn said. "It was a shameful decision that was made."
Rock singer Melissa Etheridge wrote in a blog entry last Thursday in TheDailyBeast.com that she was going to refuse to pay her taxes—a half-million dollars per year—because of the decision, which she says designates her as “not a full citizen.”
We’ll await word from the IRS regarding whether those who didn’t vote for Obama for President will be afforded the same option.
Given that the clarification of the definition of marriage was done through a public referendum in which all the state’s voters had a chance to participate, one would be justified in expecting that those on the losing side would be gracious about it and go on about their lives, as the losing side in all elections is expected to do. One would be disappointed, not only in the protesters, who perhaps know no better and can be excused for having been miseducated in public schools, but also and especially in the state’s lawmakers.No, the latter are as arrogant about this as they are about everything else, as the L.A. Times noted:
Forty-three Democratic legislators, including leaders of the California Senate and Assembly, filed a brief Monday urging the California Supreme Court to void Proposition 8.
So much for the democratic process and the will of the people. Those antiques count only when the people can be tricked into wanting what the elites want them to want. In their brief to the court, the legislators openly display their contempt for the people’s expressed will:
The citizens of California rely on the Legislature and the courts to safeguard against unlawful discrimination by temporary, and often short-lived, majorities," the legislators said in the document, written by attorneys at the firm Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher.
Likewise proving himself no friend of freedom but a great friend of homosexual activists, California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-INO) on Sunday said he hoped the California Supreme Court would void the result of the referendum:
"It’s unfortunate, obviously, but it’s not the end," Schwarzenegger told CNN. "I think that we will again maybe undo that, if the court is willing to do that, and then move forward from there and again lead in that area."
What’s unfortunate is Schwarzenegger’s willingness to override the expressed will of the people. In fact, Schwarzenegger was insistent that the effort to void the referendum should continue, urging the losing side to continue fighting until they get their way, by whatever means should prove necessary:
They should never give up. They should be on it and on it until they get it done.
Naturally, the Hollywood film industry is continuing its efforts to indoctrinate the nation into endorsement of homosexuality. Thus two big female stars have signed on to play a very odd couple indeed in a forthcoming film adaptation of the bestselling 2000 novel The Danish Girl, to be directed by Anand Tucker (Shopgirl). As the ghastly E! entertainment writer Marc Malkin pithily put it in his E! column on the subject:
Nicole Kidman and Charlize Theron are getting in bed together.
It seems unlikely to be as fun for the lads as that teaser line suggests. Here’s Malkin’s description of the film’s story:
Kidman will play real-life artist Einar Wegener, the world’s first postop male transsexual. Theron will take on the role of Wegener’s artist wife, Gerda.
Einar underwent a series of sexual reassignment surgeries beginning in 1930 after he began modeling as a female for his wife. The cross-dressing portraits became an instant hit.
How that narrative material will result in artistically elevated thoughts and sentiments remains unclear at this time, especially given the real-life story’s predictably tawdry outcome:
Einar, who changed his name to Lili Elbe, died in 1931 of complications from the fifth surgery.
Actor Mickey Rourke, by contrast, apparently failed to get the memo about the importance of forcing oneself to like homosexuals or at least pretend to do so. Earlier this week he was forced to apologize after a surreptitious video of him referring to a gossip columnist as “that faggot who wrote all that shit in the paper” hit the internet.In a statement to Malkin for another E! story, Rourke said, "I want to sincerely apologize for the derogatory word I used. It was insensitive and inappropriate of me and I am deeply sorry that I may have offended anyone," according to Malkin.
Excellent observation, Daniel! Thanks for commenting.
The interesting thing about the Mickey Rourke comment and apology: The Homosexual Thought Police were not bothered the threat of physical violence against the writer.
The full quote goes like this: ” “Tell that faggot who wrote all that shit in the paper I’d like to break his f–king legs.”
What would Hollywood media’s reaction been if Rourke had said “Tell that [dude] who wrote all that shit in the paper I’d like to break his f–king legs.”
Would Rourke have to drag himself across broken glass and apologize in order to save his career? I doubt it.