by Mike Gray

Chuck Baldwin thinks the following rights should never be forfeited for any reason:

The Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Men without guns are not free men; they are slaves. Men without guns are not citizens; they are subjects. Men without guns have lost the right of self-defense. They have lost the power to defend their families and protect their properties. Men without guns are reduced to the animal kingdom, becoming prey to the Machiavellians among them who would kill them for sport or for their own personal pursuits.

The Right to Own Private Property
. . . . the history of Western Civilization is replete with the examples of free men who were determined (even at the cost of their very lives) to defend the right to own property. Without private property rights, men are reduced to serfs and servants.

The Right to Train and Educate Our Children
. . . . the absolute right of homeshooling or private/parochial/Christian schooling must never be surrendered. Homeschooling, especially, is fundamental to freedom. It is not a coincidence that throughout history, most totalitarian governments forbade parents homeschooling their children.

The Freedom of Speech and Worship
. . . . most of the mainstream churches in America today …. resemble havens for politically correct, Big Government ideology than they do bastions of Bible truth. Therefore, home-churches and non-establishment churches are increasingly requisite to a free people.

The Right to Determine One’s Own Healthcare
The marriage of Big Government and Big Medicine has created a healthcare monster.

The Right to Life
It is bad enough that any government (especially one such as ours) would legalize abortion, but the concept of FORCED abortion, infanticide, or euthanasia could only be regarded as a despotic attack on life and liberty of the gravest proportion.

The Right to Live as a Free and Independent People
We simply cannot (and will not) allow ourselves to become part of any hemispheric or global union.

If push came to shove, which of these seven rights would you give up?

Baldwin’s entire column is here.