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The Case for ‘The New Adventures of Ellery Queen’

One of the greats of the mystery genre, too little appreciated these days, is Ellery ...

‘The Longest Ride’ Offers Old-Fashioned Charm, Romance

How far have Hollywood romances fallen as a result of debacles such as How to Lose a G...

Star Wars, George Lucas, and the Pitfalls of ‘Auteur Theory’

It's a storyline we celebrate every Oscar season: the uncompromising film director, locke...

‘American Sniper’ Sets January Box Office Record

As if we hadn't always known, even in these supposedly cynical times of rampant moral re...

Simenon’s ‘Transparent Detective’ Mysteries Return to Print

One of the great achievements in European popular fiction during the twentieth century was...

The Pleasures of ‘Banacek’

I've just discovered that several (and possibly all) episodes of the great 1970s TV series...

Christmas-Themed TV Movies and Programs Reach Record Numbers

This Christmas season (known to Christians as Advent) has brought the most Christmas progr...

Cultural Tide Beginning to Turn? ‘Golden Age’ Mystery Outselling Contemporary Bestsellers

In a year of unsettling cultural stories—from the Ray Rice domestic abuse video to Rob...

TNT’s ‘The Librarians’ Checks in With Promising Start

The new TNT series The Librarians (Sundays at 9 Eastern) is a continuation of the three...

An Excellent French Film Noir: Melville’s ‘Le Samourai’

Film noir began in the United States around 1940 and continued into the 1950s. It was id...

Pulp Fiction Rights-Holder Clarity Could Aid Ongoing Republication Boom

As I've noted earlier on this site, pulp fiction was quite unlike what people commonly thi...

‘Gracepoint’ a Worthy Remake of Ambitious British TV Crime Drama Series

My attitude toward genre fiction is that it's best when the creator is satisfied to make g...

An Excellent Resource for Mystery Aficionados

(GIVE ME THAT) OLD-TIME DETECTION - Summer 2014 - Issue #36 - Old-Time Detection Special...

Syndicated ‘The Pinkertons’ Western Drama Series Presents History (Surprisingly) Fairly

Set in the Great Plains region in the years immediately following the American Civil War/W...

A Good Month to Read Gothic/Horror Innovator and Master Edgar Allan Poe

If you're thinking about doing some gothic/horror reading this month, you can't go wrong b...

Jack Carter Returns

"The rain rained.” It takes a tremendous amount of courage, or foolishness, to begin a...

Can the Romantic Drama Be Rescued?

A popular film genre that has seldom received much respectful attention from critics and s...

Fiction Friday: Stories, News, Reviews & Opinion From the Publishing World

News of publishing's demise is greatly exaggerated. Wander into any bookstore, be it a ...

U.S. Publishers Head Overseas for New Crime Novels

Foreign menace strikes! Overseas crime novels are flooding U.S. shores, as American publis...

The A-Team: It Crawled from the ’80s

  I don't know about you, but I'm tired of reading/hearing all of these so-called cu...

FX’s ‘Justified’ Rejuvenates Old-Fashioned Hero Type

Fox’s FX channel has a history of pushing the boundaries of “free cable” program...

Frank Frazetta, 1928-2010

He was an artist, not an author, but I suspect he was responsible for more fantasy book...

‘Nightmare on Elm Street’ Fails to Reinvent

H.P. Lovecraft—perhaps even more than Edgar Allen Poe—has been the guiding light of ...

Happy Birthday, Nancy Drew

The Nancy Drew book series just reached its 80th anniversary. These books were of better q...

George H. Scithers, 1929-2010

I got word today that the first editor to buy one of my stories professionally, and my ag...

Cultural Kommisar Attacks Filmmaker Reitman

One indicator of how far statism has progressed in American society and culture is the t...

‘Human Target’ Hits Action-Adventure Mark

As the recent passing of Mission: Impossible star Peter Graves reminds us, the mid-'60s ...

‘Justified’ Premieres on FX Network

The new crime-drama series Justified premiered on FX Tuesday night at 10 EDT. The show, ...

Fiction Friday’s focus on Robert B. Parker

On Monday, Janaury 18, 2010 Robert B. Parker joined Raymond Chandler, Ross Macdonald, Dash...

New ’24’ Season Exemplifies Show’s Strengths

The Fox Network's venerable action-drama series 24, now in its eighth year, has always h...

Murder and Miscreants for Christmas

On a hot August day in a big U.S. city after World War II, a man in a Santa Claus suit m...

‘Monk’ Enters Final Weeks

     The USA Network's first hit show, Monk, is nearing the end of its...

‘Fourth Kind’ Unfairly Derided by Critics

   Although popular with audiences, the paranormal thriller The Fourth Kind...