A Different Take on Evangelicals and Race: Marxism

Race and faith in America have a checkered past; specifically the Christian faith. Man...

Admit it, White People, You Are Racists

In case you didn't know, if you are white, you are a racist. Go ahead and admit it, yo...

Continuum Of Propaganda: Yale, Mizzou & Your Child’s School

The specter, on the nation’s campuses, of frightened, middle-aged white educators, m...

The Left’s False Flag Operation

As has been all over the news, political activists are using a hideous crime to force r...

Baltimore Riots: The Epic Fail of Modern Liberalism

After more than a hundred years of progressivism, it has come to this: public officials ...

Is ‘Black-on-Black Crime’ Really a Lie?

You may have heard of the growing epidemic of white people killing defenseless black peopl...

Shirley Sherrod, Racism, Fox News and a Raw Deal

I've been too busy with paying work to read everything on this kerfuffle. But I see now t...

Academics ‘Discover’ Religion Makes You Racist

Seeking to broaden the scope of psychological pathologies associated with conservatism, ...

For the Hollywood Left, ‘Heterosexism’ Is the New Racism

“Heterosexism” is becoming the term of choice among Leftists dominating the Entertainm...

‘Cop Out’ Doesn’t Just Stink, But It’s Racist, Too?

The new movie "Cop Out" has created a lot of buzz, and not just because critics are hamm...