cambridgefreedomofexpressionIt’s hard not to think, as an evangelical Christian, that America’s cultural elites would like Christians to put yellow crosses on their sleeves to identify us as outcasts. I hate to make Nazi references, but liberal fascism, as Jonah Goldberg describes it, perfectly describes the mentality and actions of those on the left who cannot tolerate views they disagree with.

Ever since the redefinition of marriage became the cause de célèbre of our cultural elites, I’ve been convinced it had nothing to do with equality or fairness or any such just outcome, but rather a desire on the progressive side of the political and cultural spectrum to not only silence Christians and other believers in traditional values, but to demonize them, to make them not welcome in polite society. Modern liberalism has absolutely nothing to do with being liberal.

A perfect example of this is what we find happening to Christians on some college campuses in America, and I’m sure more to come. The New York Times, of all places, had a piece on Monday about how a number of colleges have decided to no longer officially recognize Christian organizations on their campuses. Of a school in Maine it states:

In a collision between religious freedom and anti-discrimination policies, the student group, and its advisers, have refused to agree to the college’s demand that any student, regardless of his or her religious beliefs, should be able to run for election as a leader of any group, including the Christian association.

As is says, this is not limited to just one school:

Similar conflicts are playing out on a handful of campuses around the country, driven by the universities’ desire to rid their campuses of bias, particularly against gay men and lesbians, but also, in the eyes of evangelicals, fueled by a discomfort in academia with conservative forms of Christianity. The universities have been emboldened to regulate religious groups by a Supreme Court ruling in 2010 that found it was constitutional for a public law school in California to deny recognition to a Christian student group that excluded gays.

So let me get this ineluctable logic straight. In the name of “anti-discrimination” it is perfectly OK to discriminate against Christians? This makes sense to whom? Obviously brain-dead liberals, as David Mamet once called himself.

I simply have too much confidence in the common sense of average Americans to believe that this kind of absurd moral value racism will ever be embraced as an American value by the vast majority of Americans. But this will not keep those at the heights of American culture in law, politics, education, popular culture, and the media from attempting to push the zeitgeist in that direction. Hopefully the truly liberal will see the sheep in wolf’s clothing for what it is and demand it be stopped. If not, the future of America as the land of the free and the home of the brave will look like a very different place.