David Letterman

CBS talk host David Letterman ripped U.S. Senator John McCain on-air Friday night for canceling an appearance on Letterman’s show in order to attend to the nationwide financial crisis.

Having devolved from a cheeky observer of human foibles into a crotchety, self-absorbed bore a full two decades ago, it’s time for David Letterman to be put out to pasture. His belief that his lame, autopilot, late-night TV talk show is more important than the U.S. economy proves how self-important and out of touch he really is.

Letterman, who has openly supported Barack Obama on his program, opened his diatribe by complimenting McCain for his war record, but then launched into a cranky denunciation of the Republican candidate for daring to cancel a scheduled appearance on Letterman’s show. Letterman then launched into the standard Democrat critique of McCain and Palin while claiming McCain is falling behind Letterman’s preferred candidate, Obama.

Letterman’s weak attempts at humor in his criticisms of McCain merely demonstrated the talk host’s invincible arrogance: