Supporters of California Proposition 8 at St. Frances X Cabrini Church on October 24, 2008 in Los Angeles



After a hard-fought referendum campaign, voters in the state of California have approved by a 52-48 margin a constitutional amendment reversing a state Supreme Court decision to force the public endorsement of same-sex marriages.

The results are being widely reported as conclusive, with nearly all precincts having reported.

The entire proposition read as follows: "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California."

Exit polls indicated that black voters were especially concerned about the issue, favoring the measure by a two to one margin.

Activists have promised to bring the matter right back to the courts to try to thwart the people’s expressed decision on the issue and force them to endorse same-sex marriages against their will.

Many analysts are hailing the vote as a strong success for individual freedom of conscience in the state.