THY WILL BE DONE: WHEN ALL NATIONS CALL GOD BLESSED — By Ronald W. Kirk — Nordskog Publishing — 2013 — Trade paperback: 225 pages — ISBN: 978-0-9882976-5-4

Suppose a nation in some distant region should take the Bible for their only law book, and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts there exhibited! Every member would be obliged in conscience, to temperance, frugality, and industry; to justice, kindness, and charity towards his fellow men; and to piety, love, and reverence toward Almighty God . . . . What a Eutopia, what a Paradise would this region be. — John Adams

Ronald Kirk believes that, given time and God’s providence (for He works all things for good), the whole earth could become such a paradise, or at least a close approximation to it. As he tells us:

The content of Thy Will Be Done attempts to present a crafted approach to Biblically directed living. In this approach, applied-faith thinking in each area of life uniquely expresses itself in real life upon Biblically defined life objectives. Everything builds upon a simple set of coherent Biblical priniciples that speak comprehensively to God’s goals for men in this life in anticipation of eternity.

Kirk’s plan, therefore, is a combination of the practical and the theoretical. The will of God will always be accomplished, as the Bible and experience have shown. The author outlines how believing Christians can reform American society first and then the rest of the world with love and without resorting to coercion, which godless humanists invariably end up doing:

The would-be humanistic elite have now largely dismantled America, with a tremendous degree of damage done in only the last few years. How could Christ possibly prevail in such a world? By the obedience of the church—one person at a time.

Thus, Kirk’s program of “social revolution” is what it has always been for believers in Christ: by preaching the Word (planting the “seed”), showing the world by example what it means to live for Jesus, and reaping the benefits—both spiritual and material—for all to see, thereby leading others to Christ (the “harvest,” with God giving the increase).

Christians must be both the salt that preserves the world and the light that shows the way. Any other approach that attempts to win the world for Christ is doomed to failure.

A glance at the contents page should persuade the reader of how comprehensive and thoroughgoing Kirk’s plan is. The nice thing is how closely it conforms to God’s plan in the Bible.


Chapter 1: The Premise

Chapter 2: Liberty, Love, and Manners; Ethics, Justice, and Nobility

Chapter 3: The Individual

Chapter 4: The Family

Chapter 5: The Church

Chapter 6: Work and Enterprise

Chapter 7: The Sciences and the Arts

Chapter 8: Education and School

Chapter 9: Tithing and Philanthropy

Chapter 10: Rest, Recreation, and Pleasure

Chapter 11: A Christian, Constitutional, and Federal Republic

Chapter 12: The Neighborhood, Town, City, and Region

Chapter 13: The State, the Nation, and the Nations

Chapter 14: A Way of Life (Getting There from Here)

Selected Bibliography

Scripture Index