Joe R. Lansdale’s Mythic Noir

Edge of Dark Water, by Joe R. Lansdale (Mulholland, March 2012) Fantasist David Eddings...

Rock and Roll Holes of Fame

Finding the gaps at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame By Warren Moore The Rock and Roll H...

Escape from Supervillainy

Seeking color amid the darkness and grit My daughter and I were talking about comics la...

Ethos Is a Choice

Reglazing the broken windows of our popular culture -- the argument from character. by Wa...

Rolling With the Punches

The Difference Between Failure and Defeat? Character. by Warren Moore Yesterday th...

Such a Deal . . . Public Sees Fraud Behind Progressives’ Grand Bargain

By Warren Moore One of the arguments a liberal friend of mine likes to use is that large ...

A Chat with My Daughter

by Warren Moore My fourteen-year-old was reading about the horror in Norway this af...

Pushing The Red Button

As Far as Yesterday Goes, by The Red Button (Grimble, 2011) Review by Warren Moore ...